The Liquored Up Low Down: A Bizarre News Podcast

Drinking Your Own Pee is Good for You, Parent-Teacher Conferences with a Carnie, Buy Some Invisible Art, Fictosexual Software Development, Shocker: Electricity Can Kill You

The Liquored Up Low Down Season 1 Episode 19

We're drinking Martini's again, which succeeded in making Tom REALLY drunk. We first talk about a man who drinks his own pee. We then talk about the world's most terrifying teacher. An Art Collector buys a very expensive receipt from invisible art shows from the 50's. We did not know that "Fictosexuals" are really a thing. We close out the show with TWID: "Fractal Wood Burning" and its various dangers.

Our Linktree:

The Drink:

Gin Martinis!

News Stories from This Episode:

Drinking Your Own Pee is Good for You:

The World's Most Terrifying Teacher:

Art Collector Buys Receipt for Invisible Art:

Fictosexual Software Development:

This Week in Duh:

Contact Info:

Hate-mail, questions or topic ideas for the show, hit us up on twitter at @LiquoredUpLD or email us at Bryan can be reached on twitter @RussianLitGuy.  Tom can be reached on twitter @Intelligiant2.

Find more of Bryan at:

Find Tom as Donnie Kruger at: